Tile Server Windows supports OGR (GDAL) FDW- Foreign Data Wrapper for Postgres/POSTGIS Datababase and your local GIS Vector Formats can be made available as:
✔ OGC API Features with CQL Filtering
✔ Dynamic PBF/MVT Vector Tiles with CQL Filtering
✔ Dynamic PNG Raster Tiles
Learn more about the available formats:
Learn more about FDW OGR
PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper
User will add its Vector GIS files and then use the Tile Server Windows menu to dump that data inside the postgresql database. After dumping that file in the database, it will be shown for Dynamic Vector Tiles, OGC API Features, Dynamic Raster Tiles.

View the layers on the web browser and can also view items using its JSON url. There is a separate web page where users can directly see each layer and its JSON.